December 1

WHERE WILL I LIVE TOMORROW? A look into the future!

What are my options? If I wish, how can I remain in my own home? If I move out of my home, what housing is available to me? Our lives are filled with uncertainty! We all have questions about what will happen to us in the future. Will I pass that critical exam? Will I.

November 7


In 49+ years of law practice one of the most frequently asked will drafting questions I am asked is “how do I avoid probate fees”. These fees are a tax levied against an estate by the Ontario government based on its value. The tax is calculated at 1.5% of the value of the assets as.

February 20

First Meeting with my Lawyer

I am meeting with my lawyer to discuss making a will and a powers of attorney for property and personal care. What paperwork should I bring with me to the meeting? Obviously a well-organized package of documents would be of benefit to the lawyer in discussing the will and is also timesaving. Here is a.

February 19

Property Access on Death

Many times I have been consulted by a deceased’s relative advising that they are looking for a will and are having difficulty accessing the deceased’s residence, generally an apartment or condominium. They were not given a key or prior access by the deceased. This is common where a deceased died in their home and were.

February 19

Funeral Pre-Arrangements

Often an estate trustee (executor) asks “how do I pay for the funeral?” Sometimes there is money available but many times the estate trustee must obtain the funds from the deceased’s bank account or other sources. Banks are not always informative about ownership of the deceased’s bank accounts causing delays in administration. On death someone.