July 8

Avoiding Probate Fees

I suspected that the title would get your attention, as it should have!  I’m writing this article because a client of mine recently dealt with a financial planner that did not consider the consequences of their actions and focused almost exclusively on saving probate fees.  I would not want you to make the same mistake..

June 10

Q&A: Powers of Attorney

Q. What is a Power of Attorney? A Power of Attorney is a document that allows someone (referred to as a donor) to have some control over their affairs if they become incapable.  By giving a Power of Attorney to a trusted person while you are still capable, you as the donor are able to.

January 1

The Golden Years – Myth or Reality?

At one time, it was common for children to look after their parents in their senior years, often at home. Although still practiced, this is no longer the prevailing custom. It was also common to believe that seniors would simply go quietly into that good night. This is no longer the case! Seniors are now.

April 29

Second Marriages and Estate Trustees

All wills require an individual to administer them.  These administrators are referred to as estate trustees.  Many know them as executors.  Second marriages are becoming more common as a result of divorce or the death of a first spouse.  This raises interesting questions for the selection of an estate trustee.   Who do you choose?  Your.

April 28

Dementia and Will Making Capacity

Modern medicine is helping us to live longer and healthier lives. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia might develop gradually, often with the early stages often going unnoticed.  The recently diagnosed patient must deal with the legal issues immediately, while still in the early stages of the disease, and still deemed competent. To have testamentary.